Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is your software secure enough?

A Few days ago I started up my laptop , but my windows vista didn't allow me to login as normal because I didn't purchase the original copy of vista, I have been prompt by windows vista to enter the Licence key or to startup the windows with limited access ( only Internet explorer was open with black background ) and no desktop was appearing , so I selected the second option as I was not ready to enter the licence number , the moment I entered the IE , I did few simple steps and I had my windows vista run with fully desktop functions, it was a legal cracking to windows vista by exploiting a whole in IE .

These steps were :
1- type c: in IE address bar
2- search for windows folder
3- search and run the explorer.exe command

and you will have your desktop running , actually it might be a facility from microsoft to allow people to browse their desktops event if they dont have a valid serial number , but what if it is not ment by microsoft ?

Now if you are a software developer or a an architect you have to keep in mind that always there will be some one thirsty to find any whole in your system , and once he found this wholoe he will exploit it to get in to areas where you dont hem to be there .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very informative .. thank u.. :)